Fortran is still widely used in scientific computing and engineering for its fast performance and ability to easily parallelize code. With continued usage in legacy applications and new domains like machine learning, having a robust Fortran compiler is essential. Approximatrix Simply Fortran Serial key is an approachable Fortran compiler for Windows and Linux that combines ease of use with the performance and features needed for technical computing.

A Brief History of Approximatrix Simply Fortran Serial key

Approximatrix launched Simply Fortran in 2002 as a Fortran 90/95 compiler for 32-bit Windows. It quickly gained popularity for its affordability, ease of use, and integration with the Visual Studio IDE.

Simply Fortran has added support for newer Fortran standards, 64-bit systems, and Linux over its 20-year history. It continues to be actively developed with frequent updates.

Some key milestones:

  • 2002 – Initial release of Simply Fortran 1.0
  • 2006 – Simply Fortran 6 added Fortran 2003 support
  • 2009 – Version 8 added 64-bit support
  • 2022 – Simply Fortran 15 added Linux support
Approximatrix Simply Fortran Serial key

Key Features and Capabilities

What makes Simply Fortran stand out from other Fortran compilers? Here are some of its most notable features:

  • Fortran 90/95/2003/2008 support – supports modern Fortran standards
  • Debugging tools – GUI and console debuggers with breakpoints, watches, and more
  • IDE integration – seamless integration with Visual Studio on Windows
  • Cross-platform – runs on Windows 7+ and Linux x86/ARM
  • C interoperability – directly call C/C++ code from Fortran
  • GUI application development – build GUI apps using Win32 or Gtk+ widgets
  • Affordable pricing – $295 base price with free trial version

Additional capabilities include fast compilation, array syntax, code completion, mixed language support, and Windows/console application building.

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Benefits and Advantages of Using Simply Fortran

What makes developers choose Simply Fortran over alternatives like gfortran?

Simplicity and Ease of Use

Simply Fortran uses the familiar Visual Studio IDE on Windows for a seamless coding experience. The installer, documentation, and project setup are designed for simplicity.

Budget-Friendly Pricing

At $295 for a perpetual license, Simply Fortran is one of the most affordable commercial Fortran compilers. Free trial versions are also available.

Broad Platform Support

With Windows 7+ and Linux x86/ARM support, Simply Fortran provides cross-platform portability lacking in some compilers.

Helpful Community/Documentation

Active user forums provide peer support. The documentation covers both basic and advanced usage.

Key Differences vs. Other Compilers

How does Simply Fortran compare to popular alternatives like gfortran and Intel Fortran?

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Target User Base

gfortran – Open source community. Beginners.

Intel Fortran – Enterprise/HPC. Maximum performance.

Simply Fortran – General technical computing. Affordability.


gfortran – Free and open source

Simply Fortran – $295 perpetual license

Intel Fortran – $699+ per year subscription

Performance Benchmarks

gfortran – Slower compile and execution times

Simply Fortran – Comparable performance to Intel

Intel Fortran – Fastest performance overall. Advanced optimizations.

Getting Started with Simply Fortran

Ready to start using Simply Fortran? Here are some tips for installing, configuring, and writing your first program.

Installation and Configuration

The Simply Fortran installer walks you through installation and integration with Visual Studio. On Linux, dependencies like Gtk+ will need installed.

Add the compiler to your PATH on Windows. Set environment variables like F_FRONTEND and FLIBS on Linux.

Your First Program

Start with the classic “Hello World” program to verify your compiler works:

program hello
   print *, "Hello World!"
end program hello

Then compile and run from the command line or within Visual Studio.

Compiling and Debugging

Use compiler flags like -debug for debugging information. Launch the debugger to set breakpoints and step through code.

Test both console and GUI applications to get familiar with the tools. Enable optimizations like -O3 when ready for release.

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Additional Resources

Use Cases and Applications

What are some real-world applications where Simply Fortran Serial key shines?

Scientific Computing and Engineering

Physics simulations, fluid dynamics, and other technical computing rely on Fortran for its optimized math libraries and ability to parallelize across CPUs and GPUs.

Financial Modeling and Analysis

Fortran’s fast performance makes it ideal for complex financial models used in banking, insurance, and investing.

Academic Research and Education

For researchers and students on a budget, Full version crack Approximatrix Simply Fortran Serial key provides a full-featured Fortran environment without expensive licensing.

Of course, you can use Simply Fortran for any application from legacy code maintenance to writing new numerical algorithms. It’s well-suited to any technical computing task.

The Future of Simply Fortran

With continued Fortran usage in engineering and growth in data science/machine learning, what does the future look like for Simply Fortran?

We can expect continued evolution of features, standards support, and cross-platform capability. Integration with new tools like Jupyter Notebook could broaden its usage. Competition from open source compilers may pressure pricing models.

But with its ease of use and responsive development team, Simply Fortran remains an excellent choice for an affordable yet fully capable Fortran compiler. It fills an important niche between expensive enterprise tools and free open source options.

Final Review – Who is Simply Fortran For?

Simply Fortran excels for developers who:

  • Have legacy Fortran code to maintain
  • Want an easy-to-use, affordable Fortran compiler
  • Need cross-platform Windows/Linux support
  • Value simplicity and fast compile times

If you need maximum performance or advanced HPC optimizations, Intel Parallel Studio or PGI Community Edition may be preferable.

But for most technical computing tasks, Simply Fortran provides the best combination of price, performance, and usability. Its continued active development ensures it will stay relevant for modern Fortran development.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What platforms does Simply Fortran support?

It supports Windows 7 or higher and Linux x86/ARM on a variety of distros like Ubuntu, CentOS, and RHEL.

What are the pricing options?

A perpetual license is $295. 1-year subscriptions at $159 and a free version with limits are also available.

What versions of the Fortran language are supported?

Simply Fortran supports Fortran 90/95/2003/2008 standards.

Can I call C/C++ code from Fortran using Simply Fortran?

Yes, you can directly call C/C++ code within your Fortran program using interoperability features.

Does Simply Fortran integrate with Visual Studio?

On Windows, it provides seamless integration with Visual Studio 2010 or higher.

Is Simply Fortran still actively developed?

Yes, it continues to be developed with frequent updates to add new features and fix issues.

How does its performance compare to other Fortran compilers?

Simply Fortran provides near parity with Intel Fortran in many benchmarks, unlike slower open source options. It excels at numerical computation with the right optimization flags enabled.

Does Simply Fortran support parallel/multi-threaded code?

Yes, you can use OpenMP pragmas for multi-threaded execution. It supports parallelism using MPI libraries as well.


Approximatrix Simply Fortran Serial key delivers an optimal balance of usability, performance, and affordability not matched by other Fortran compilers. With continued evolution and community support, it remains an excellent choice for technical computing across science, academia, and industry.

This guide covered Approximatrix Simply Fortran Download free key capabilities, advantages, tutorial resources, and real-world use cases. If you’re considering options for an approachable yet powerful Fortran compiler, Simply Fortran should be at the top of your list.

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